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Sport in Florence: The Florence Marathon It's the fascination of centuries of arts, history and culture which accompanies you pass by pass along the 42,195 of the Florence Marathon. A unique event for thousands of sportsmen and of running fans coming from all over the world which takes place every year punctually at the end of november.

The Florence Marathon is the most important athletic event in Tuscany and together with the marathons of Venice, Rome and Milan, one of the most important marathon races of Italy. With more than 4.500 participants it is placed in the 20 top list of the international marathons.

The Florence Marathon was inaugurated by the victory of Orlando Pizzolato,two times winner of the New York City Marathon, and had during its history many other internationally known runners. The course record was set in 2001 by Daniel Kirwa Too, who crossed the finish line in 2.10.38. This shows that the route of the Florence Marathon is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but it is also fast. The women's course record was set by Helena Javornik, who won the Florence Marathon 2002 with a time of 2.28.15.

The Florence Marathon takes place in one of the most fascinating cities in the world and its route takes the runners through the heart of it, filled with monuments and artistic sights. The race starts off at Piazzale Michelangiolo, leaving the breathtaking Ponte Vecchio behind. Half course runs within the historical town centre and a great part across the Cascine Monument and National Park and the Florentine' districts. Besides the first 4 km which are lightely downhill, the route is entirely flat and lies along tarmac roads, characteristics which the marathoners appreciate. Weather conditions are usually good, so that they contribute to achieve the best performance.

The Florence Marathon is the ideal occasion to promote tourism in a period like the Christmas season in which the city isn't logistically occupied by other events and can offer more service at best prices. The event welcomes always more participants from all over the world (coming from 45 different nations) and is the Italian Marathon with the largest number of foreign participants (more than 2.500 in the last year's edition)

You can find the Florence Marathon in the official calendar of international marathons, having the AIMS certificate and the IAAF permit for 2006.

Website for General info: http://www.firenzemarathon.it/

Sport in Florence: Guarda FirenzeGUARDA FIRENZE

The "GUARDA FIRENZE" is organised by Firenze Marathon and its club Societa' Atletica Asics Firenze Marathon and with its 31° edition coming up (7th may 2006) the race is for the 7th time included in VIVICITTA' (organised by the provincial UISP committee Toscana), an event which takes place in 45 italian cities and 15 towns in the whole world at the same day. The event consists in three single events:

  • Guarda Firenze, a touristic amateur-sightseeing run through the historical monuments and beauties of Florence of 12 km, interesting for all sportive non professionists and families;
  • Vivicitta', competitive race of 12 km, open for all agonistic athletes; a circuit in the historical centre of Florence, entirly flat, belonging to the international circuits Vivicittà, organised by the provincial UISP committee Florence;
  • Mini Guarda Firenze of 4 km, combined with a graphic-creative competition for students of the primary and secondary schools in Florence, supported by the city council for public instruction. The subjects of the creative competition are chosen every year relatively to history and arts in Florence. This year's theme: "The places of spectacle in Florence from renascence until today".

Website for General info: http://www.firenzemarathon.it/


The "Notturna di San Giovanni" - the traditional night run, will take place on the week of the 24 of June (feast of the Patron of Florence). With its 67° edition coming up, Notturna di San Giovanni is one of the oldest road races in Italy, organised in occasion of the festivities of the town patron. The 10 km race which opens the week of festivities represents an unforgettable event because of the atmosphere which offers the nightly scenario and for the relay race between all five Florentine' districts, with the aim to maintain the traditions and colours of these five Florentine' districts. Both events are included in the calendar of events of the town council and build a great contribute to the revalorization of the Florentine popular culture.

The race, which starts at 9.00 pm from Piazza San Lorenzo and finishes in Piazza San Giovanni, in front of the dome, is organised by Firenze Marathon together with the association San Giovanni Battista, organiser of all festivities around the Florence' town patron (San Giovanni Battista).

In occasion of the national agonistic competition there will be also this year an event for all sportive amateurs (over 1000) which attracts also the tourists who are present in this period. The event will be registered and transmitted by regional tv stations.

Website for General info: http://www.firenzemarathon.it/

Sport in Florence: The Notturna di S. Giovanni
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